Improving Employee Experiences and IT Service Quality at VA
Using human-centered insights and data about employee experience to transform IT services and workforce management
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Using human-centered insights and data about employee experience to transform IT services and workforce management
READ ARTICLEAptive helps the Department of Veterans Affairs transform information technology (IT) practices.
READ ARTICLEStrengthening mentoring, promoting and hiring processes to develop and secure optimal talent.
READ ARTICLEA multi-modal approach attracts top-quality applicants.
READ ARTICLEReimagining research and development reports and supporting content to broaden audience engagement.
READ ARTICLEThe Department of Transportation embraces a new brand campaign to boost engagement efforts.
READ ARTICLEAptive provides organizational development and engagement support through a changing environment.
READ ARTICLEEffective training for new personnel and leadership provides faster knowledge integration.