Aptive Wins Top Honors from 2021 Hermes Creative International Awards

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Aptive Wins Top Honors from 2021 Hermes Creative International Awards

Posted on 04.26.21

Aptive Resources, a multi-award-winning government services agency, has been awarded twelve prestigious top honors from Hermes Creative Awards for its innovative work supporting the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Aptive received three Platinum honors, four Gold honors and five Honorable Mentions. These awards recognize professionals involved in the conception, writing and design of traditional and emerging media.

“It’s truly an honor to be recognized for the creative work we do in support of our clients at VA, and to be among the top marketing agencies in the country,” said Shakir Babb, Aptive’s Creative Director. “We are delighted to be recognized, and it’s thanks to a dedicated, and diverse team of designers, producers, animators and writers whose aim is to deliver compelling, engaging and innovative solutions that support our clients’ missions, increase awareness, drive action and deliver exceptional return on investment.”

Hermes Creative Awards recognize outstanding work in the industry across 200 categories grouped under advertising, publications, marketing, branding, integrated marketing, public relations/communications, electronic media and pro bono.

There were over 6,000 entries from throughout the United States, Canada and dozens of other countries in the Hermes Creative Awards 2021 competition. Entries come from corporate marketing and communication departments, advertising agencies, PR firms, design shops, production companies and freelancers. Hermes Creative Awards is administered and judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals.

A list of Platinum and Gold Winners can be found on the Hermes Creative Awards website at www.hermesawards.com. Aptive received the following awards:


  • Vet Center Branding and Awareness Campaign – Analysis of Current Branding (public relations research)
  • Veterans Business Administration Home Loan Guarantee Public Service Announcement (TV public service announcement)
  • Veterans Business Administration Home Loan Guarantee Public Service Announcement (animation)


  • Veterans Health Administration, Workforce Management and Consulting, Annual Performance Report 2020 (annual report)
  • COVID Recruitment Ad – Wall Street Journal Tear Sheet (newspaper ad)
  • ChooseVA – Female Focused Ad Campaign (social media ad campaign)
  • Veterans Benefits Administration – Claims Exam (white board electronic media)

Honorable Mention

  • Veterans Health Administration – House Calls ad (newspaper ad)
  • ChooseVA Campaign Year End Report 2020 (annual report)
  • Veterans Benefits Administration – Veterans Day Video (government video)
  • Vet Center Branding and Awareness Campaign (branding)
  • Veterans Health Administration – VA Trainee Recruitment Events program (recruitment video)

Our experts

Ariana Paredes-Vincent (she/her) Senior Associate (Research and Data Analyst)
Nikky Greer (she/her) Senior Associate
Tatyana Padro Miguel (she/her) Associate
Lisa Stanley (she/her/any) Senior Associate
Amanda Siegner Program Analyst
Michael Quisao Senior Associate
Donna Jones Senior Associate
Ben Ambrose Program Manager
Kaitlin Schneck Senior Associate
Gus Lawson Manager
Dr. Kelly Sanders Principal, Veteran Health