Aptive received a five-year IDIQ contract and initial task order with the Library of Congress to help create, execute, implement and measure media and outreach campaigns for the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS).
Under the contract, which was issued through a full-and-open competition, Aptive will plan, deploy and analyze comprehensive national digital media campaigns focused on the braille and talking book program and encourage NLS enrollment. Each campaign will target specific NLS audiences and other potential and eligible patrons. The team is responsible for the campaigns from conceptualization through completion.
The NLS is a free braille and talking book library service for individuals with temporary or permanent low vision, blindness or a physical, perceptual or reading disability that prevents them from using regular print materials. Through a national network of cooperating libraries, NLS circulates books and magazines in braille or audio formats that are instantly downloadable to a personal device or delivered by mail free of charge.
“Our team is honored to work with the Library of Congress on this effort and to help bring awareness of the tremendous services and resources offered by NLS,” said Emily Howell, Aptive’s director of strategic engagement. “This work also provides the opportunity for Aptive to collaborate with a new agency and the ability to continue to enhance our advertising presence across federal agencies.”
Aptive utilizes data-driven communication methods to engage target audiences and shape perspectives to drive each mission forward. With a keen focus on brand visibility and through experiential insights and creative design, Aptive produces integrated high-level marketing and communications campaigns that reach and engage the targeted audience.